Ogłoszono wyniki wyborów na stanowiska w nowym zarządzie IBPSA-WORLD

9 lutego 2015 odbyły się wybory na stanowiska w zarządzie IBPSA-WORD. Poniżej znajduje się skład osobowy nowego zarządu IBPSA-WORLD.

Stanowiska w zarządzie

Charles “Chip” Barnaby
Lori McElroy
The Lighthouse Trust, UK
Vice President
Pieter De Wilde,
Plymouth University, UK
Secretary, Awards and Fellows Committee
Michael Wetter
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
Carleton University, Canada
Immediate Past President
Christina Hopfe
Loughborough University, UK
Director at Large, IBPSA News Editor-in-Chief
Drury B. Crawley
Bentley Systems, Inc., USA
Director at Large and Regional Affiliate Development Committee Chair
Andrea Gasparella
Free University of Bozen, Italy
Director at Large
Christoph van Treeck
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Director at Large and Website Committee Chair
Paul Bannister
Exergy, Australia
Director at Large
Matthias Haase
Sintef, Norway
Director at Large
Malcolm Cook
Loughborough University, UK
Publications Committee Chair
Paul Strachan
Strathclyde University, Scotland
Conference Committee Chair
Veronica Soebarto,
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Communications Committee Chair
Rajan Rawal
CEPT University, India
Education Committee Chair
Jeff Spitler
Oklahoma State University, USA
Membership Committee Chair
Joe Clarke
University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Futures Committee Chair


Reprezentanci oddziałów regionalnych


Raul Ajmat
IBPSA-Argentina Representative
Quentin Jackson
IBPSA-Australasia Representative
Nathan Mendes
IBPSA-Brazil Representative
William O’Brien
Carleton University
IBPSA-Canada Representative
José Guerra Ramírez
IBPSA-Chile Representative
Da Yan
Tsinghua University, China
IBPSA-China Representative
Martin Bartak
Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
IBPSA-Czech Republic Representative
Milorad Bojić
University of Kragujevac, Serbia
IBPSA-Danube Representative
Mohammad Fahmy IBPSA-Egypt Representative
Pieter De Wilde
Plymouth University
IBPSA-England Representative
Etienne Wurtz
Institut National d’Energie Solaire, France
IBPSA-France Representative
Christoph Nytsch-Geusen
Berlin University of the Arts, Germany
IBPSA-Germany Representative
Rajan Rawal
CEPT University, India
IBPSA-India Representative
Donn Finn
University College Dublin, Ireland
IBPSA-Ireland Representative
Vincenzo Corrado IBPSA-Italy Representative
Yoshiyuki Shimoda
Osaka University, Japan
IBPSA-Japan Representative
Kwang-Woo Kim
Seoul National University, Korea
IBPSA-Korea Representative
Wim Plokker
Vabi Software BV, The Netherlands
IBPSA-Nederland+Vlaanderen Representative
Ala Hasan
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
IBPSA-Nordic Representative
Piotr Narowski
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
IBPSA-Poland Representative
Nick Kelly
Strathclyde University, Scotland
IBPSA-Scotland Representative
Majid Sapar
Parsons Brinckerhoff, Singapore
IBPSA-Singapore Representative
Roman Rabenseifer
Zlovak University of Technology, Slovak Republic
IBPSA-Slovakia Representative
David Garcia
Plenum Ingenieros, S.L., Spain
Achim Geissler
FHNW, Muttenz, Switzerland
IBPSA-Switzerland Representative
Zerrin Yilmaz IBPSA-Turkey Representative
Khaled A. Al-Sallal
UAE University, United Arab Emirates
IBPSA-UAE Representative
Joseph Deringer
United States of America
IBPSA-USA Representative
Komentowanie jest wyłączone.